What does "delicious" feel like to you?
I noticed something interesting about myself the other day.

No matter where you are stuck or overwhelmed, how does noticing what feels delicious support your optimal health?
I had a couple of hours to myself one afternoon and was lying on the couch with the window open, engrossed in story about Madagascar from the most recent issue of The New Yorker. The kitty was tucked in next to me, my phone was turned to silent. It was fabulous.
And then something interesting happened.
A gentle, cool breeze blew in through the window and I closed my eyes and said to myself "This feels absolutely delicious!"
I started to think about what feels "delicious" to me and I realized that there is a pattern... they happen spontaneously, they involve nature or people I care about, they never involve social media, and I notice them in the moment. And a key point is that I only notice them if I am paying attention.
The beautiful bright orange Baltimore Oriole who tips his lovely head back to swallow the purple grape jam I set out for him.
The deeply insightful letter I receive from one of my very favorite clients, sharing why she continues to be pulled towards her small hometown, even though she has outgrown many of the things that used to feel normal to her there.
And the fat woodchuck who nonchalantly waddles around the yard at dawn, looking for his breakfast.
These things feel delicious to me... it is a visceral.
Why does it matter? Because doing hard work in life is only part of the job, the other part is to notice the counter-balance.
When I remember that there is deliciousness all around me for the taking, if only I choose to make myself available to it, it feels super healthy.
Make remembering to notice what is delicious to you, on a regular basis, a healthy habit.