- Feb 2, 2022
- 2 min
What are you ready to release?
As we grow through life, there is a time to build and a time to release. Build up your career through schooling, through focus, through...
- Jan 12, 2022
- 4 min
How often do you feel compromised by compromise?
It is easy to get hooked like velcro to an idea of how things should go... particularly when it comes to what others should do to make...
- Jan 5, 2022
- 3 min
How committed are you to joy and contentment, when it gets down to it?
The holiday season is over, the wrapping paper is a memory, the decorative sugars are put away, the kitchen is in order, we are starting...
- Dec 29, 2021
- 3 min
What would happen if you actively dealt with that nagging "what if"?
If only, then what? "I hate supervising! I spend too much of my time doing what I hate. If I could stop doing that..." "I scream at my...
- Dec 2, 2021
- 3 min
OMG, our family just blew up! Now what???
Contrary to what one might believe from watching Hallmark movies or reading shiny holiday branded magazines, conflict is a real thing in...