Wellbeing Bucket List - Riding a Cat Train in Japan...
My days are full of accomplishing tasks, meeting schedules, balancing requests... all good things, yet things that feel like I'm climbing up hill, that I'm working. When I am aware, I can notice the moments of "Ahhhhh!!!" or "awe" that come from a smile from a stranger, a kind word from a friend, an opportunity to laugh with a sister. Those are the resting moments, the appreciating moments, the stopping-on-the-climb-to-notice moments. For me, that is the feeling of wellbeing. It is a healthy feeling, a balancing feeling and when I notice it, I can sit with it and allow it to ground me. The trick is to notice it and extend it, without going right back to the to-do list. This morning, I read about Japan's Cat Trains and felt the surge of delight that comes with moments of wellbeing. 30 rescue kittens on a train in Japan? Wellbeing bucket list material for me!