- Ricka Robb Kohnstamm
Which hobbies provide relief from information overload?
Are you experiencing chronic anxiety caused by information overload? If so, you are not alone.
Turn off the latest disheartening news, put away your work, disconnect from the internet, turn your phone off.
And get busy with a hobby.
No matter where you are stuck, how does making time to incorporate a hobby (or two) support your optimal health?
Woodworking, quilting, drawing, beading, dancing, knitting, bee-keeping, gardening, pottery, cooking... they all require concentration and persistence, and often bring with them a built-in community. They help us structure our off time into flow active leisure, which feels oh-so-much better than vegging out in front of the computer screen. And this type of activity has the added benefit of lowering our blood pressure and cortisol levels.
It's the perfect antidote and provides relief, so that when you are ready to tackle the job at hand, you will be refreshed and effective.
And yes, you can make time. After you turn off the latest disheartening news, put away your work, disconnect from the internet, and turn your phone off.