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  • Ricka Robb Kohnstamm

Listening for your own wisdom whispering...

Life is a journey, that is for sure.

Each of us starts off in the place of our birth and then our life spontaneously moves in a direction, influenced by circumstance as well as by design.

A chance comment by a teacher in elementary school sparks an interest in kinetic energy or a subway poster sparks a desire to make art. A gifted music teacher's love of the Bach Double Violin Concerto in D Minor could make deep footprints on your path.

Our paths stretch and contract as we grow into and out of relationship with others - partners, children, parents, siblings, friends.

Spirituality, for some people, elevates a portion of the path above the fray.

Tragedy and trauma takes our paths through dark, thick overgrowth where we can feel lost and overwhelmed.

And then we eventually re-emerge into the light. And with the light often comes wisdom.

We keep going, along our own unique journey, right up until the very last breath.

Marcel Proust says it well... "We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us."

A journey that we must take on our own. Wisdom that is all ours.

Can you hear your own wisdom, whispering to you, insistently? Are you listening?

Hello, I'm Ricka.

Ricka Kohnstamm Executive & Physician Coach Profile Photo

I'm a Nationally Board Certified (NBC-HWC) Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coach. I specialize in working with physician leaders, corporate leaders, non-profit executives and their families to navigate complex work and personal issues so they can strengthen their relationships, heal, and feel hopeful about the future again. 



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